Parent Gradebook Access Forms

By completing the application for this account, you will allow the Brazos Independent School District (BISD) to make your child’s grades available to you by means of the Internet on a website that is secure and accessible only by a login and password.  Only you will be able to see your child’s grades.  Others will not be able to see the information of your child unless you share your password with them.

BISD will not make your username/password publicly available.  The grades of your child posted on the website can only be accessed only by someone who knows your username and password.

Be aware, however, that disclosure by BISD, including the contents of the website, may occur in the event that such information is required by order of a court subpoena, a decision or directive from the Attorney General’s office, or other reason required by law.

Please remember that the grades that you see might not include all assignments or tests that have been completed by your child.  As teachers complete the grading of assignments and tests, the teachers will update the report.  If you have any questions about any item, please contact the teacher by calling the campus office that your child attends.  The teacher will either contact you by phone or e-mail.  If you desire further clarification you may call and schedule a conference with the teacher.

You are permitted to share your username/password only with those whom you consider to have a legitimate educational interest in your child.  You may cancel this service at any time or change your username/password, by contacting the Gradebook Site manager of your child’s campus.

By signing and returning this form to the campus office of your child, you understand that BISD is not responsible for Internet access to your child’s grade reports by persons who do not have authorization or consent.  You also understand that BISD has the right and authority to revoke your access to the website if the district feels your use of and behavior on the website violates others rights and confidentiality.  In addition by signing and returning this application, you agree to waive any claims or causes of action that you may have against BISD by reason of such unauthorized access or revocation of access privileges.

Brazos Elementary Gradebook Access Form

Brazos Middle School Gradebook Access Form

Brazos High School Gradebook Access Form

Our vision:  

BRAZOS ISD inspires each student to become a productive citizen who demonstrates leadership, passion, and self-reliability. We foster a culture of respect, community, perseverance, and achievement.  

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