Brazos Middle School

Dear Parents,

     We are privileged to have your child in 7th grade Reading this year.  We will be using a variety of genres such as fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction, and media to explore and analyze vocabulary meaning, genre characteristics, plot, characterization, point of view, figurative language, setting, summarization, and other reading skills.  We will be working to achieve mastery in these areas in order to be successful on the 7th grade Reading STAAR test given at the end of the year.  Our first unit will be over poetry. Lesson plans can be accessed on our teacher website and on Google Classroom.    We will be starting the second year with a brand new curriculum that has a high appeal for middle school students.  We are excited to have a curriculum that utilizes a wide variety of resources and activities to better prepare your child for success.  .  This new resource combines text and digital print sources and seamlessly integrates reading passages and writing responses.  It will be used in both Reading and Language Arts at all grade levels.

              Students will take an assessment (CBA) each grading period in order to evaluate how they are progressing in STAAR preparation.  These will be counted as major exams and, as such, will allow the opportunity for corrections/retesting depending on the teacher’s directives.  In addition, they may have a major exam a particular reading skill which has been the focus of instruction.  All other grades will be considered daily grades on which students are not given the opportunity to redo or correct for a higher grade.  A minimum of two grades will be taken each week and no one grade will count more than 20% of the grading period average.

     Students need the supplies listed on the 7th Reading Supply List as soon as possible.  If there is a problem having their materials by the second week of school, please contact Mrs. Mayo, or Mrs. Sabrsula at 979-478-6814. Your child’s success in reading this year hinges on effort.  Please encourage your child to do his/her best at all times and track their grades using the parent portal to GradeBook online.  For information on how to sign up, call the BMS office.  We look forward to a great year and appreciate your assistance in preparing your child for SUCCESS!!

Our vision:  

BRAZOS ISD inspires each student to become a productive citizen who demonstrates leadership, passion, and self-reliability. We foster a culture of respect, community, perseverance, and achievement.  

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